SSSC 23 Digital – No. 7 Finding Resources

I already set up an SSKS Open Athens account for previous SSSC Open Badges. I have had a quick browse of the online library and was impressed to see a lot of resources for books, journals and articles for various topics. Some cover early years and toddlers which of course is who I work with. There is one book I have seen which is Early Years Nutrition and Healthy Weight. I think that would be a good read to see what they would recommend as best practice for children’s health. I also had a look at Google Advanced Search. There were words you can type for the search to look for specifically and ones to avoid. You could also search based on the last update which is handy when you want up to date information. Unfortunately I wanted to look at more early years resources specifically in Scotland. You could only select the United Kingdom for the region which wasn’t the best.

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